tiltfactor announces game design fellowships

We’ve got a slew games to design this winter term at Tiltfactor (https://tiltfactor.org), Dartmouth’s nonprofit game research lab — and you can help, if you are up to the challenge!


We’re asking Dartmouth students to propose to take on one of these five game challenges — more info will be sent on some of the projects upon inquiry. Approved proposals could launch student individuals or teams into game-stardom! Students who develop one of these games for Tiltfactor (with ample feedback from us) up to a working, fun, usable prototype will receive a Tiltfactor Fellowship, which comes with an honorarium of $1,000. Students of course will receive a design credit in the finished work.

The games include flash based game plans, as well as card games and board games.

Let the games begin! For more specifics, contact Professor Flanagan.
Respond with “tiltfactor fellowship” in the subject line!